Craft Lodges Meeting at Phoenix Hall,
Queen Street East,
Lodge: Phoenix Lodge
No: 94
Meetings: First Wednesday: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec
Installation: December
Lodge: Nautilus Lodge
No: 4259
Meetings: Third Friday: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, Sept, Nov, Dec.
Installation: 3rd Sat Oct
Lodge of Concord
No: 6859
Meetings: First Friday: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec,.
Installation: October
Lodge: The Lodge of Loyalty
No: 8635
Meetings: Second Tuesday: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec.
Installation: February
Lodge: Chapter De Lambton
No: 94
Meetings: Last Tuesday: Jan, Mar, Sep, Nov.
Installation: September
Thornhill Chapter
No: 3216
Meetings: First Thursday: March, May, September, November
Installation: September
Preceptory: Finkle Preceptory of Knight Templar
No: 222
Meetings: Second Wednesday: Jan, Mar, May (Malta), Oct.
Installation: October
Tabernacle: Finkle Tabernacle of Knight Templar Priests
No: 3
Meetings: Third Thursday, May, Oct, December.
Installation: October
Lodge: Ravensworth Union Lodge of Mark Masters.
No: 124
Meetings: Fourth Wednesday: Jan, Feb, Mar, Sept, Oct, Nov.
Installation: September
Lodge: Union Royal Arc Mariners Lodge
No: 124
Meetings: Second Wednesday: Feb, Apr, Sept, Dec.
Installation: September
Court: Court of Baede - Order of Athelstan
Meetings: Third Thursday: Mar, Sep, Nov.
Installation: September
Chapel: The Venerable Bede Chapel - Order of St Thomas of Acon
No: 138
Meetings: Third Monday: Apr, Oct.
Installation: October
Chapter: Ravensworth Chapter Rose Croix No183
No: 183
Meetings: Forth Wednesday in February, April, June and October
Enthronement: April
Red Cross
Constantine: Haebrym Conclave
No: 285
Meetings: Second Friday: Feb, May & Oct.
Enthronement: February
Frequency of Meetings: Usually start 6:45 or 7:00pm with exception of installations. Consult individual orders